Sunday, June 12, 2005

Some More Personal Discussion...

My Sixteen Collective One

Just put My Sixteen Collective One (from my deviantART account) up on the net (need a better name, help!!!), got links to the people included and is all centered and black-like. thanks to everyone for their pictures and permission (not necessarily in that order =)). I'm starting to collect more for number 2 so if you weren't fast enough to get into the first collective, I am actively looking through the rest of my contacts galleries on devART for images to use =P but of course feel safe that I will ask for your permission before I edit and submit anything.

Onto the 'Oh Woe's Me' section.
It looks like I'll be doing this unit with this chick I'm really nuts for (like cookoo nuts for, The Shinning type of nuts) and we've more or less decided we'll be in the same group/tutorial (it's a film production unit, e.g. we have to make our own 5-6min doco style video in a group of 4 or so). Now, there are (as far as I can tell) only a couple reasons behind this decision to jointly be in a group together: 1) because I tend to understand her english better then most people, and have the added ability to converse in her first language, and 2) its really annoying to get into a film group and find out they suck, and this way we already know each others strengths (and weaknesses) in a group situation and have some resemblance of trust as friends. (Could there be something other then these two? hmm...I wish).

Now, the discussion topic I propose to you is this: should I bring everything out into the open now/during these holiday's (e.g. I have about a month before we start the class) so that I don't have to go through an entire units group work without knowing what we could possibly be or not be and obviously driving me crazy. if that makes sense. OR should I just keep my mouth shut and deal with it for an entire semester, forgetting about her and continue to receive my monthly magazine subscriptions.

Oh, and I've been neglected the gym so I'm getting pudgy...NOOOOOO!!! Though good news in that I am keeping up my daily sit and pushup regime. Don't worry gym dear friend, I shall visit you more regularly soon enough...

Well, talk people talk!!! =)


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