Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Formation of a Blueprint of a Run-Through of a Plan...

I'm about ready to do some major uploading. In other news I'm considering creating a blog using wordpress, cause I've heard enough good news about it and more bad news about blogger. So I may be shifting everything over soon...But not yet. I'll give blogger a chance, partly because it's all I know, and the only thing that's annoyed me about it so far is the insanely long wait before that 1kb post is updated on the blog front.

I'm beginning to see the usefulness of weblogs to individuals, groups and everyone involved, but it still bothers me how some real douchebags try to spoil it for everyone else. Personally, I'm happy to let another one of my many alternative personalities for a play around outside of my head for a while because I know they will behave themselves... An interesting post here, and even more interesting (and fairly rude) comments as well.

Oh, I have a small stop/start animation video clip I'm gonna try to show at the tutorial on Wednesday(16th, tomorrow), if I can pass it by Jean first...It is actually on topic, and quite funny as well (as well as being short). Hear that, Jean?

Now for the serious stuff:

Plan A
Now: Upload two 'responses' (if you could even call them that) to some of the readings from earlier this semester (required readings for week one and two I think), in preparation for uploading even more rrs tomorrow.
Tomorrow: Upload other rrs for available readings in week 1 and 2, and maybe even a couple from week 3. I'll also be uploading my first opinion paper tomorrow. It's currently at the editing stage and will be ready to upload soon. This one is on smoking (tobacco specifically) and its fairly long (and hopefully opinionated enough to get a response).

I think from now on my posts are going to be shorter, more to the point and less babbling...


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