Live Recording at The Zoo
Just got back from doing some live recording of a friends performance at The Zoo (live music venue in The Valley, Brisbane). It was pretty cool. True, it was origin 2 night, so most people were at home or at the pub watching the game, but those that turned up got to listen to some very talented songwriters performing never heard before songs. That I now have on minidisc :P Yes, the recordings came out better then expected. This is mostly of course due to the fact that we also had control of the mixing desk, and I could simply connect the recorder up to the frontofhouse and get it directly from there :P so no real effort on my part, and the audio has turned out more then decent enough for radio play, or a live bonus track on an ep, or for an entire live ep. who knows. now i am off to do up a business card, cause I should make money for doing this stuff :)
Thanks goes to The Zoo for allowing us to use their mixing desk.
The three out of four performers I got recordings of were Marianne & Jonathan Mettes, Maxine McCabe and Morgan Hann (reverse order) and unfortunately I didn't get permission plus had battery problems so I couldn't record the first person on, Emma Dean (which sucked cause she was the second best on the night IMHO). So, in the very unlikely event of Emma reading this blog, I would be more then happy to do a live recording of your next gig to make up for this one :P
Well, I better be off, currently transfering the audio to my comp for postpro. ta ta.
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