Monday, April 11, 2005

A Methedelogical Approach to Methedelogical Research - Prep for Lab Session 5

Yes...we are going to discuss how to participate in participatory research...

More specifically, our group of 4 are going to discuss in our next lab online discussion session Methedoligcal Research, specifically Media Ecologies and how people study these. I'm not sure what I'm going to pick yet. We all decided that it would be good to come prepared with something a little more specific individually so we can use that as examples from each of us individually.

I was contemplating doing something about anime and its conversion into english etc. Given that I don't watch much TV, and the episodes I do watch are... *cough* downloaded *cough*, I was thinking of doing it about this. I mean, I don't have to admit I do this, just research into it :P I'm sure the rest of the group will come along with info on Restaurant Rules etc, but I think it would be good to look at non-tv based watching of tv programs, e.g. the downloading of anime such as Naruto on the net and the media ecology around that (torrents, fansites, etc). I'm not sure if its illegal to download these anime shows. I think the first season just got licensed for release in the US (URG, DUBBING!!! YUCKKKKKKKKK!!!!), so its possible that as the seasons get licensed it will slowly become illegal to download :P or not...oh well.


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