Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Biased and Opinionated Article with Absolutely No Quotes- Smoking (Tobacco)

Preface: Warning, these will be highly one-sided, biased, black and white opinionated articles. If you're offended by anything I say, then switch off the computer, and go join a Luddite commune or something. Even better - though a slightly less practical approach - would be to write a SENSIBLE reply. And by sensible I mean only using swear words where and when appropriate.

Ok, this week's Biased and Opinionated Article focuses on people who smoke tobacco in its many forms, but most specifically in the cigarette form.

Firstly, I will fill you in on my personal perspective of smoking, and where I am coming from. I don't smoke, I have never smoked anything, and I don't plan on. Neither of my parents ever smoked while I was growing up (or before, for that matter), nor do any of my relatives. I spent a year in Japan at the age of 18, where I was subjected to a culture infused with cigarette smoke. It was utterly disgusting, but I had to live with it. I had to burn my clothes on returning home, but I lived with it.

My personal opinion on smokers is that whether they admit it or not, they are in some form or other addicted to smoking. Anyone that smokes beyond their initial cigarette in highschool or whatever is an addict. Simple as that. After thinking about it, I can separate smokers into two groups. The Ignorant Addicts and the Informed Addicts; the last probably being the worse of the two. The Ignorant Addicts are those that don’t know about the destructive properties of smoking, and as such blindly continue smoking to their hearts content. Informed Addicts - a sad bunch - are those that know, acknowledge and/or admit that there are destructive properties to smoking, but continue to smoke anyways. Now, remember, I’m using the word addict so that I can add that it isn’t completely 100% these individual’s fault that they smoke. There is a chemical reaction going on that is most probably the cause for their continued use of tobacco. This also means that the physical treatment of this chemical reaction is a step towards breaking the addiction.

My personal opinion is that smokers should be able to smoke if they want to, with the one simple exception that they do so in no public place. At all. And that controls are put in for private locations that may allow smoking e.g. clubs and live music venues. So basically, if you want to smoke, do so in your own home, not in anywhere I could be. Period.

You want me to get technical, ok, I will. As a citizen of this country - let alone a human on this earth - I have as one of my basic rights (although we don't have a bill of rights, I'm fairly sure it's hidden somewhere in the Constitution) to be free from intentional or unintentional harm wherever I am in Australia (let alone the world). Ok, so this may be a bit too much when talking about private places, but at a basic level, public spaces are spaces and places where anyone is allowed to be. Anyone is allowed, with the knowledge that they are free from harm and that if any such harm would happen to fall upon them, that punishment would be forthcoming on those that caused the harm. Unfortunately this is not the case at our current point in history. People are freely locating themselves in public places, and unintentionally (sometimes knowingly) causing actual physical harm to those around them. In any case, it doesn't matter whether these people are unintentionally or knowingly causing this harm, it is the act itself that is important to stop, at least in public places. It IS my right; to be in any public place, at any time, and be safe in the knowledge that no-one around me is causing me physical or psychological damage. No-one has the right to smoke in public places, because that constitutes a threat to my health.

And for all of you out there that are about to reply by saying I have no way of proving that smoking has negative effects on the individual smoking or those around them. You are inhaling toxic substances into your lungs, whereby they get absorbed into your bloodstream and are carried all over your body. But that’s just your body. The exact same thing is happening to a passerby who gets a whiff of your cigarette, but for them the smoke hasn’t passed through a filter, its coming straight out of the cigarette. And I don’t care if there are studies to prove that second hand smoking doesn’t kill. That’s a load of crap. It’s a physical invasion of toxic substances; if that doesn’t set warning bells ringing then you deserve to be working at the toxic waste dump in a swimsuit.

Another interesting point that I want to bring up on the whole smoking phenomena, is about the lasting power of the cigarette, and where this power comes from. Cigarettes have been around for a long time. They will continue to be around for a lot longer. So why haven't other social trends and fads stayed around from the time cigarettes where really the in thing, the cool thing, before people knew that it was bad for you, and for everyone around you? Smoking doesn't have a lasting ability in a cultural, social, or personal sense, or any other sense for that matter. That is other then the physical effects it has on people. One example of an effect is the chemicals in the cigarette that cause the relaxing effect, another of course being the harm it causes to the lungs and the rest of the body. The most important effect it has to this discussion is the one of addiction. The real reason why cigarettes have stayed around as a dominant form of relaxant and social lubricant is that it’s inherently addictive. Which makes it much easier to make a lot of money off of, but I’ll leave the whole politics/money discussion surrounding smoking for later.

Obviously I haven’t gathered any referencing or links to sites that support any of my claims. Fortunately this is all simply my opinion so I could really give a shit whether it’s properly sourced or not. It also might be called common sense in some parts of the world!


At 10:00 pm, Blogger Existentialist Number Nine said...

Hey! Thanks for the comment. And for the bloglink. I'll put my reply here and on your blog cause I'm not sure if you'll get notified about this one.

To tell you the truth, if by reading that blog, someone thinks twice about lighting up a cigarette near me I'll be happy. I'll rejoice. Don't get me wrong, it would be great if people just stopped smoking because of reading my opinion and blog. But in the end I would have to admit that the post was done for purely selfish reasons, e.g. to notify those people that know me exactly what my position is on smoking (in the hope they would remember not to light up near me ever again).

That said, you're right, it is probably adding to the media noise surrounding smoking, nor will it stop convenient stores and newsagents selling cigarettes (which in my opinion shouldn't be allowed), nor will it make one smudge of different to the wider campaign to stop smoking in public. In this way my blog post will have a very limited effect on smokers. With such a small amount of links and connections to my blog, nothing I say will ever get much attention. That's life.

Also, I would like to point out that expressing one's opinion in an open way for others to read and comment on if they want to - I'm not forcing anyone to read my post remember - is never a bad or problematic thing, to an individual or society as a whole. I truly believe if everyone knew everyone else's opinion on everything, the world would be a better place. Or we'd all be dead.

Hope that attempted to answer a few of your queries and raise a few more at the same time.

At 3:30 pm, Blogger rosie said...

Taylor, you sound like my father. Despite that, I generally agree with you... I've smoked cigarettes once or twice before in social situations but I just can't understand how you even begin to get addicted to it... I find everything about the habit to be pretty gross.
I am generally accepting of people's rights to do whatever they like with their own bodies, but obviously that's not the only consideration. I can see why you can't just legislate smoking completely out of public life, though... there's just too many smokers out there and too many social situations where smoking is encouraged.
I like the new queensland laws about smoking but they alone aren't going to stop me from getting smoking-related lung cancer... I live with a couple of smokers... and there's not much I can do about them.

At 12:05 am, Blogger Existentialist Number Nine said... i want to know who deleted their post...

I'll reply to the rest of you later once I get my mind together from tonight...errr...yesterday evening...

At 11:05 pm, Blogger Existentialist Number Nine said...

Thanks Meghan, I think...

I don't think I even commented on whether I like smokers or not, the article was pretty much about the addiction of smoking and why I think its insane that people still do it. I know lots of people who smoke, most of them are really nice people that don't piss me off. Mostly cause they know I'm not going to react kindly if they start smoking near me...

Whats the difference between smoking, and smoking while eating?

At 11:44 pm, Blogger Existentialist Number Nine said...

Yeah, thats an interesting point about polite and impolite smokers, although it was never a focal point in my article and doesn't really effect me at all. Polite or impolite, either way they are smokers.

True, though there are degrees in politeness. You may see the line being crossed when someone smokes while eating, while I see the line being crossed when someone smoking in a public place.

In the end 'politeness' doesn't excuse or cover them from what they are willfully doing, something I disagree with.


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