Thursday, May 26, 2005

On Presentations...

Ok, so i haven't been discussing seminars much, probably cause I don't have to.

But we had our presentation today, which I think went over well. Aaron, Dave, Rosie and I did it on, and yeah, we didn't go overtime and only one question was asked afterwards. I'm not sure if that last thing is good...or a sign of some fault on our own part.

The other two groups that went today were interesting too, an online academic community for wider qld area, and a travel community. Given both of them created imaginary businesses that they were linked to and getting funding from already...which allowed them to assume they could do a number of additional things. Both were really good ideas, the academic one actually being a plausible community in the near future with the reduction in guild activity we will prob get soon.

Ok, I'll get around to writing up my final post soon. Then I will post it. and email it. and yeah.

Friday, May 06, 2005

An Experiment Into Online Social Groups

This is from an experiment I did on my deviantART account. These are 16 people I have made contact with over deviantART, and gotten to know well enough to ask them and have them allow me to use one of their photos of their faces to include in this final work (clicking on it gives you the larger file). So this image represents a small portion of my mini-social group (connected through me) on deviantART, so this is a mini-community, the one joining facter that they all have talked to me.

Just thought that was interesting :P

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My Computer Crashed

I am sure I have uploading a reflection on yesterday's lecture...maybe blogger is just being slow again.

And something else, If Blood's book is not a MANDATORY book for this class, why is it MANDATORY for us to read it for the seminar? I didn't buy the book, and now I'm getting blasted in the seminars because I haven't read the readings! I will get it out of the library, but I refuse to buy a book that is prescribed only!!! If you wanted us to have it for the seminar, you would have made clear we needed to buy it by not making it optional!!!

But now its cool, cause the info is simple enough that I could recite it off by heart.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Copy to the Left, Copy to the Right - Lecture 9 Post-Op

Copyright lecture! WAHOO!

An interesting overview of the history of copyright and more recent permutations of it in copyleft and CC licensing. A more indepth look into the current situation by looking at the most discussed and talked about example of conflict over copyright in the digital domain, that of the area of music. The whole mp3/mp3 play thing is what gets me the most, how you can create an mp3 player when you know that a good 95% of mp3s out there are illegal! You know that there's a likely chance that 95% of the mp3s going on that player are going to be 'illegal'. It seems to be proven somewhat that the online distribution of files has actually helped sales rather then hindered sales, and that its the industry corps and groups such as the RIAA's fault for putting off looking at the internet as a legitamite distribution method.

Personally I think its a great method of getting low quality preview versions of songs online straight from bands. This seems to be scaring the big corporations and intermediaries as they see it as a way for bands to get more money, at the expense of the middlemen. What does 'illegal' distributed music help the most? getting people to see live gigs (which supposedly go mostly to the band) and to buy music over the internet from bands websites and at live venues. Take the Decemberists for example, they put a fairly good copy of a music clip called 16 military wives on the net, and over p2p distribution methods, as well as prob traditional mtv style avenues. This is great, I mean, only a very few people would disagree with more money getting into the hands of the creators and owners of the music, instead of spread out to so many other people.

This, ontop of the concept I have and shared by many otheres that creativity (for example MUSIC) should be SHARED, not SOLD. Oh well, thats a discussion for later on.

Back on topic, the Creative Commons licencing is a really good idea, I'll have to look more into it. That and the GPL or whatever it was called. Really interesting directions for dealing with the issue of copyright in a digital environment, dealing with copyright in ANY environment actually.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Protest That Was...

Here's an image I'm going to randomly upload. From a protest on the 28th of april against the VSU!!! Read more at my deviantART page for this image. I've had a few comments on how it looks like a pressy-type newsy image! wahoo! go..umm...political activism!